
Manchester Festival of Fantastic Films Award
In 2023 Jenny won an Award for her Legendary Films from the Manchester Festival of Fantastic Films.

The Burning Baby Preview
On a remote island an abusive mother keeps her adult son as a baby aided by his two sadistic siblings. The close knit family’s world is disrupted when the free living woods folk are invited in to baby’s second birthday.

LITTLE DID YOU KNOW Interview with David McGillivrey
The great Jenny Runacre said a tentative yes to being this week’s guest, but she didn’t want to be asked the same old questions.

“Ship of Fools” Installation piece by Paul Kindersley
“Ship of Fools” Installation piece by Paul Kindersley for the Exhibition of “Queer as Folklore”.

Gucci Campaign
GUCCI Campaign shot by Gus Van Sant, December 2020

The Burning Baby
Paul Kindersley’s Film “The Burning Baby” 2020, due to be released mid 2021

The Lady of the Camellias at Waterloo East Theatre
“And then, settling like a colourful, calming cloud over proceedings, is Jenny Runacre as Marguerite’s (slightly) older confidante, advisor and, to use the modern parlance, her bezzie…”

Guardian Website Article
The star of Antonioni’s The Passenger talks about working with Jack Nicholson, Derek Jarman and John Cassavetes, and the cautionary tale of her friend, Last Tango actor Maria Schneider.
Michelangelo Antonioni at the BFI
BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE are running a retrospective of Michelangelo Antonioni’s work including a digitally enhanced version of “The Passenger” on at the BFI various dates from Friday 4th January – Friday 24th February 2019.

The Lady of the Camellias
Jenny is appearing in the Nimbus Theatre Company’s production of The Lady of the Camellias at Waterloo East Theatre in London from Thursday 7th March until 24th March 2019.

Battle of Soho Q&A
Jenny Runacre in Battle of Soho a film about the ongoing battle between the residents of Soho and the Developers. On at the Curzon Cinema Soho on December 15th 2016 – directed by Aro Korol.

The Great Rock ‘N’ Roll Rescue Auction

Stoke Newington Literary Festival
On the panel at the Stoke Newington Literary Festival with Andrew Logan.

English National Ballet’s film “Curing Albrecht”
Jenny Runacre as Myrtha in the English National Ballet’s film “Curing Albrecht” directed and choreographed by Morgann Runacre-Temple and Jessica Wright.

Enter Queen Lear
Playing the Queen Lear from “Enter Queen Lear” by Timeri N Murari on at the Drayton Arms Theatre, SW5 0LJ.
A Streetwise Film Production directed by Simone Vause.
With Dame Anna Neagle Brussels Film Fesitval

Bod – Jubilee – director Derek Jarman

Elizabeth 1 – Jubilee – director Derek Jarman

Cannes Film Festival with Maria Schneider and Antonioni